Yesterday, the weather forecaster expected some heavy showers, but instead we got a beautiful sunny day. So, it was an excellent day for running some trains in the garden. A younger member of the family decided that we were going to run some self-built Lego trains. The engine is styled according to the Dutch NS 1600 rectifier serie. The motor and the control unit were taken from a standard Lego 7939 train set. Which was completely distroyed in the process of making this NS train, obviously.
To make this ride a bit more interesting,we laid the tracks through some wood stumbs to give it an undutch canyon-like experience.
The passenger coach is also styled in NS livery, although perhaps a bit short for the real thing, still a stunning beauty. The trucks (bogies if you are British) were purchased at a German Lego swap meeting.
Personally I was quiet pleased with this contribution.
One of the main benefits of Lego trains, is that they come and go. A few months ago, a small switcher was built with the same bricks. But this 'sik' (NS 300 series) has also disappeared in the process of constructing the NS 1600.