Thursday, October 09, 2008

Progress on the layout

The MTH Z controller is in. It requires an input current of 20 Volt AC, 100 Watt with a maximum current of 6 Ampère. So, first I tried using a conventional Märklin transformer as power source, but it only generates 18 Volt AC, 32 Watt and in consequence my engine only drove very slowly.

So, I started looking for 20 Volt pre-transformer and I soon noticed that 18 V and 24 V are standards, but 20V ain't. But fortunately, Thanks to Techno Center Schmitt in Lünen (D), I have found myself a nice second-hand transformer that is fit for the job. It convert regular European 230 VAC into 20.7 Volt AC, 130 Watt and my MTH engine runs again fast at the end of the throttle.

Here is a small video to show how smooth the SW1500 switcher runs with the new power source. As can be seen, a house is under construction. This house is intended as crossing bell cover. The bell is not fully optimised, yet, but you can here it ring when the train crosses. I used a second-hand CKD 24 VAC disco-ball electromotor from Hobbieplaza which rotates with 30 rpm a mill with bolts to touch an old bike-bell found along the road. For C2C junks: "A road-side litter thingie upcycled to a trashure toy".

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