Tuesday, February 22, 2011

MTH in a Dutch model train shop

The European model trains that MTH has announced in scale zero have been noticed in mainland Europe. The French golden arrow Chapelon engine was considered a great success by many, with perhaps a few issues, such as the tender-to-engine distance, but nevertheless a beauty. Now MTH claims to also produce a Bavarian steamer, a Swiss crocodile and a Traxx rectifier engine. The latter will be relative affordable in comparison to what the zero fine scalers are used to pay for their engines at Fulgurex, Lenz, Lemaco, Philotrain, etc. Also a matching gondola and tank car have been announced and the lot made a few heads turn. So, I was not too surprised when the news came out that a local hobby shop named Modeltreinexpress in Vlaardingen has announced to start dealing in MTH trains. Obviously, the far majority that is being announced are the European 2-rail models, but still it is a step in the good direction in my humble opinion. Let's hope that the supply delays will be dealt with and that these models will start to arrive in this shop. Although it is unlikely that this 3 railer will ever buy a 2 rail engine, I still like the fact that MTH is now being sold in a regular model train shop in the Netherlands.
The list of Dutch shops that have announced to start selling MTH in scale zero has grown; also Wentink hobby in Arnhem has placed MTH on their list. I understood that the first MTH Traxx engines in scale zero have arrived in the Netherlands. Good news, I would reacon.

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