The good thing of MTH engines with protosound is that you need to charge their batteries every few months to avoid a lot of repair trouble. So, this basically means I am forced to make a temporary layout and enjoy my trains every now and then. Today, I learned that all my engines run great, but that a bulk head flat car filled with true wooden logs is truly heavy for many engines.
Furthermore, one of my JEP 042 curves has a wobbly dent that makes the cow catcher of my camelback engine hit the center rail all the times and besides some electric sparks this causes a guaranteed derailment, so I will need to buy some proper wider curves soon.
Dat wordt investeren in nieuwe gebogen rails om ontsporingen te voorkomen, maar het is wel verbazingwekkend dat een goederenwagon beladen met boomstammen zo zwaar is dat een lok daar moeite mee heeft. Of hebben de loks zo weinig trekkracht?