The entrance fee is just a few Euro's and you will get to see a lot of railway artifacts, a nice h0 railway layout and several beautiful self-built large scale models.
One of the volunteers explained to me that they hope to raise funds to re-open the Quercyrail from St. Gery to Cajarc through the spectacular gorge de Lot. That would indeed be a great idea, but the scrubs and small trees that grow on the former railway line since 1989 have done substantial damage and more than some bucks will be necessary to achieve this goal.
Model of the WWI truce train car. |
Decapod French style. |
Let's hope they succeed to revive the Quercyrail and that trains will run through the valley bed again.
Voor zo'n groot land zijn er in Frankrijk weinig museumlijnen. Of er te weinig vrijwilligers zijn of te weinig bezoekers weet ik niet, maar in zo'n toeristische omgeving zou je toch behoorlijk wat reizigers moeten kunnen trekken!