Sunday, February 22, 2015

Rail 2015 in Houten

This weekend Rail 2015 was held in Houten (somewhere in the Western bit of the Netherlands). This is a swap meeting and a display of model railroad clubs at the same time. Three halls were filled with second hand toy trains, new toy trains, serious modellers, operators with their layouts etc. All in all quiet amusing. Personally my favorite stand was the Merkur stand with a long bone shaped layout with colourful trains rattling on three rail in zero scale. Welcome to coarse scale / tin-plate heaven.

Here are some picture of the most bright part of Rail 2015. Including the new diesel engines and the turntable.
An apartment building in tin plate is pretty creative!
Do I see J94 prototypes or what?
Merkur BR 01 puffing and steaming
The new diesel engine is a special one. A Czech prototype named T499 or Cyclops.It reminds me of a Class 66 engine with only 4 axles. A nice looking engine indeed.

Merkur toy trains for sale
Many model railroad clubs with their layouts

Amsterdam in model

1 comment:

  1. Hoi Eggo, leuk verslag van Rail! Voor een beetje spoorbaan heb je bij schaal 0 wel een hele grote zolder nodig, er zijn ook niet Lionel spoorbanen die leuk aangekleed zijn, dat is jammer! Terwijl er best fraaie modellen te koop zijn, kijk maar naar die Merkur bruine E52 die je op de foto gezet hebt (vitrinekast, onderste plank, derde van links).
