Monday, April 04, 2016

Marx lights

Marx was a great American toy company. They were specialised in mass-produced toys with lots of play-value. Although the name amuses me in the sense that it was a toy-manufacturer in a country were McCarthy lived. The geezer that hunted anybody down that only vaguely smelled like a communist. But that is forgotten by most, as is the wall, etc. But some pretty good toys remain. Funny when you think of it; toys out-live ideologies.  Anyway, for some unclear reasons, some great Marx toy train accessories became available on my local market and I was fortunate to get a hold on three items. And since these items were not manufactured by Märklin or Lionel, they were cheap and value for money.
I already wired a Marx 416 Floodlight tower from 1938. The patina on the reflectors was so aged (black) that it hardly functioned as a reflector, so I gave it a thorough rub and polish. Since, these were mass-produced I do not mind anyway about patina.
The Marx 436 Searchlight tower is a truly tall structure and once wired on, it lights up the room as a true searchlight should. Unfortunately the glass lens has a crack, but perhaps I can find a replacement somewhere.

And then the Marx 404 automatic block signal with a lever to control the lights and a rheostat to control the light strength. Pretty damn old as well and hence very welcome indeed.

1 comment:

  1. It is odd that Marx coexisted with McCarthy, but Marx the company had been around 30 years before McCarthy came on the scene, and lasted a good 20 after he was gone. It probably also didn't hurt that Marx was a good friend of General-turned-President Eisenhower, and Marx regarded his son-in-law, Daniel Ellsburg, of Pentagon Papers fame, as a traitor.

    I agree with you, Marx definitely did make some great trains and accessories. I have plenty of them. They were good trains for the money in 1934, and they still are today.
