Sunday, October 20, 2013

Sunny autumn afternoon

With the lovely sunny autumn weather, I felt obliged to get outside and run the new diner coach. It ran great. The Merkur coaches with Bing couplers couple easy with pre-war Lionel trains with latch couplers, but pre-war Lionel is a bit under scale as compared to the modern Merkur tin-plate toy trains. But the modern MTH engines are a better size match and they also let the coaches run smoothly.

A string of colourful happiness

Pre-war Lionel trains look kind of small compared to these
huge Merkur coaches.


FRANK103 said...

Ziet er goed uit Eggo! Die metalen treinen over metalen rails geeft een echt Marklin gevoel!

lionel lines fan said...

Dank je Frank,
Persoonlijk vind ik naast de aanblik het geluid van metalen wagens over metalen rails een genot. Overiegsn goed dat je terugbent van dat muizenpark en poezenpark...zeer hachelijk.